This week’s Meet a Mom is the comedic duo #IMOMSOHARD. Kristin and Jen are real-life best friends and comedians who realized that their nightly conversations over wine would be great fodder for a video series. In just a few years, they’ve racked up 2.2 million followers on Youtube and wrote a bestselling book, and are currently on their 3rd nationwide tour. These ladies talk about the real deal with motherhood, and everyone from the Today show to The Kelly Clarkson Show is noticing. We asked Kristin and Jen to tell us about themselves, why they think their humor is resonating with moms across the country, and more.
Where are you both from and how did you meet?
Kristin: We are both from Nebraska.
Jen: Kristin is from a small country town…
Kristin: …and Jen is from a Military town outside of Omaha. We both went to college in Lincoln, Jen went to (Nebraska) Wesleyan (University)…
Jen: …and Kristin went to the University of Nebraska, we studied all the same subjects, probably went to all the same parties, and even knew each other’s roommates but we never met. We moved to Los Angeles at different times, both studied improv, standup, and were writing comedy but still never met. Then one fateful night, I was in an improv show and Kristin’s roommate was one of the members and that’s when we met. We were drinking beers in the parking lot (because that’s how you convinced your friends to come to your show) and soon enough we both figured out we were from Nebraska.
Jen: We were talking in such a high-pitched voice that the neighborhood dogs started barking. The next day we hung out, we swapped Leather jackets, which in girl-code is a blood-bond and the rest, you can say is history.
Kristin: Jen met her now husband and they dated for 3 years, and I was the third wheel on all of their dates, then I met my husband Colin. Jen likes to say we met on a Thursday and were pregnant and married by Sunday. Jen married Brit. I had my son first, Finn 10, then Jen had Dashiel, I had Eleanor, and Jen had Delilah. It’s easier to say we have a 10, two 8’s, and a 6.
Where do you get your inspiration for your comedy from?
Kristin: It was less about inspiration and more about need. Both of us felt like we were just terrible at motherhood. And in those quiet moments alone in the middle of the night the only thing that was available on social media was either really scary diseases that could hurt your baby, or worse, super inspirational crap that made you feel like if you didn’t Pinterest the crap out of your Ikea shelf you were a total failure. Our goal, our drive, our want, was simply to make moms (women) laugh and not take it all so seriously.
So needed! Why else do you think your humor resonates so well?
Jen: We are incredibly proud of our mom crowd. We refer to them as “the moms”. And when you feel your most vulnerable or terrible they are there to tell you their stories and make you feel better because their situation is worse. It’s wonderful and supportive and makes all of us laugh a bit. We judge ourselves harshly enough. We don’t need judgement—we need understanding.
Where can people find your content?
Jen: We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok…
Kristin:… and we are on our NATIONAL STANDUP TOUR.
What has the response to the tour been?
Kristin: This is our 3rd National Tour and this show is ALL NEW MATERIAL. It’s rowdy, it’s naughty, it’s a two-person standup show but it’s also so much more. We are seeing an increase of husbands coming to the show and they always have a blast. We talk a little about the pandemic but then we get to the important stuff…like hot guys and married sex. We want to make you laugh.
Jen: We want to make you remember that you are a badass woman. We want you to pee your pants. That’s our goal. To make you laugh-pee.
Ha! What do your kids think of your work?
Kristin: They aren’t sure what to think. They are mostly uninterested because we are not Minecraft or Dude Perfect.
What is your mom mantra for getting through the most stressful times?
Kristin: This too shall pass.
Solid advice! How are you both getting through the holidays?
Jen: We both love the holidays! I mean, they are of course stressful. Nothing makes you angrier than trying to keep everybody happy. But it’s nice how the holidays force you to unplug and not work. What’s better than a few days of wearing pajamas, eating leftovers, and watching Hallmark movies?
What other projects are you currently working on?
Jen: We are loving the podcast! We have a couple of TV show ideas in process that we are excited about! We are also hoping to make virtual live shows a part of our regular schedule. Any chance to get to connect to the moms, especially after the last few years, is a huge joy for us!